


optional account: Account

A Dasha.AI API account to use.

If not set, defaults to a "current" account derived in a platform-specific way. For Node.js, the current account may be set using Dasha CLI.


optional axios: null | AxiosInstance

An instance of the axios HTTP client used for #httpRequest(). Set to null to disable #httpRequest() altogether.

Is also available as Application.axios


optional cancelToken: CancelToken


optional groupName: string

A [group] to use for the application instance.

If not set, the application is run in a separate, unnamed group.


optional healthcheckInterval: number

An interval, in milliseconds, to ping the server to check for connection issues.


optional maxReconnectCount: number

How many times to try to reconnect to server in case of connection issues. Set to zero to disable reconnection attempts.


optional onProgress: ProgressHandler

A callback that, if set, receives the current status of the deployment process.


optional reconnectInterval: number | (retryCount) => number

An interval, in milliseconds, to retry connecting to server in case of connection issues. May be specified either as a constant, or as a function of the number of previous retries.

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