Setup Enviroment for Dasha on Windows OS


Installing Node.js

  1. Check installed Node.js version:
    • Open terminal, for example, cmd (Win+R, write cmd and press Enter);
    • Execute command:
      node --version
  2. If the output version is less than v14.0.0 or "node" command not found read the next step, else go to step 7;
  3. If you use node package manager nvm go to step 5, else go to step 4;
  4. Download LTS release from Node.js for Windows and following Node.js installing instruction. Go to step 6;
  5. Installing Node.js using nvm:
    • Open terminal as Admin, for example, cmd (Win+R and write cmd and press Ctrl+Shift+Enter to run it as administrator). Attention: we need to open another terminal then in step 1
    • Execute command:
      nvm install lts
    • Execute command:
      nvm use lts
  6. Return to step 1;
  7. You have successfully installed Node.js with the needed version.

Installing Dasha CLI

Installed Node.js v14 or newer.

  1. Check installed "":

    • Open the terminal, for example, cmd (Win+R, write cmd and press Enter);
    • Execute command:
      dasha account list
    • If the output is "dasha" command not found go to step 2
    • If the output is empty go to step 4 else go to step 7.
  2. Install package:

    • Open the terminal, for example, cmd (Win+R, write cmd and press Enter);
    • Execute command:
      npm install --global --force ""
    • Reload terminal.
  3. Go to step 1;

  4. Now you need to login via CLI if don’t have access to the GUI browser then go to step 5:

    • Open terminal, for example, cmd (Win+R, write cmd and press Enter);
    • Execute command:
      dasha account login
      or with specified server
      dasha account login --server
      (or --server
    • Follow output instruction (Command in step 4 should open browser or print in terminal action which needs execute);
    • Go to step 6.
  5. Another way to do login is to run the below command:

    • Open terminal, for example, cmd (Win+R, write cmd and press Enter);
    • Execute command:
      dasha account add --api-key <YOUR_EXSISTING_API_KEY> -f <YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME>
      or with specified server
      dasha account add --api-key <YOUR_EXSISTING_API_KEY> -f --server <YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME>
      (or --server
    • If you don’t have API key, you can continue the login procedure from current step on another computer or use the following command:
      curl -sSL --ssl-no-revoke -XPOST -F client_id=platform_client -F grant_type=password -F username=<YOUR_EMAIL> -F password=<YOUR_PASSWORD>
      Response is json with field access_token where contains your API key.
  6. Check success login via a command in step 1

  7. Select needed account returning in step 6 by the following command

    • Open terminal, for example, cmd (Win+R, write cmd and press Enter);
    • Execute command:
      dasha account use <YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME>
  8. You have successfully installed "" package.

Installing Visual Studio Code (Optional)

  1. Check installed Visual Studio Code:
    • Open terminal, for example, cmd (Win+R, write cmd and press Enter);
    • Execute command:
      code --version
      return version of installed Visual Stuido Code or "code" command not found.
  2. If the output is the correct version go to step 5 else read the next step;
  3. Install Visual Studio Code from official site:
  4. Return to step 1
  5. You have successfully installed Visual Studio Code.

Installing DashaStudio extension (Optional)

Installed Visual Studio Code

  1. You can install using Visual Studio Code extensions menu (step 3) or using terminal (step 4) or download it from marketplace;
  2. Install DashaStudio using Visual Studio Code GUI, more documentation about it can be found there:
    • Open Visual Studio Code;
    • Press combination Ctrl+Shift+X;
    • Write DashaStudio in search panel;
    • Press install.
  3. Install DashaStudio using terminal:
    • Open terminal, for example, cmd (Win+R, write cmd and press Enter);
    • Execute command:
      code --install-extension dasha-ai.dashastudio --force
  4. You have successfully installed DashaStudio.

Installing Git (Optional)

  1. Check installed git by getting its version (execute command in terminal)
    git --version
  2. If the output is "git" command not found or equals to it, then install from Git site, else go to step 4;
  3. Go to step 1 to check corrected installing;
  4. You have successfully installed Git.
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